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Own Your Retirement
Radio Show
Thanks for tuning in to WLS 890 on Saturday morning from 7-8am! We’re glad to have you here. During some of my radio shows I mention resources I’ve added to our radio show page. Scroll down through this page to find what you’re looking for. Need help? Reach out and we’ll be sure to get back to you ASAP:
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Your Tax Buckets
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Building Your Financial House
When you build your financial house, where do you start and what makes up the essential parts of a house? How does it all work together in creating your retirement and financial plan?
The Own Your Retirement Show with Josh Bretl Trailer
The duo discusses how retirement phases, from the active “go-go” years to the slower “no-go” years, influence spending habits and planning priorities. Listeners are reminded of the critical role financial planning plays in achieving a comfortable and meaningful retirement.